Frequently Asked Questions

You can place an order directly through our website by browsing our products, adding items to your cart, and proceeding to checkout. If you need assistance, our customer service team is here to help guide you through the process.

We accept a variety of payment methods including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and sometimes cash on delivery.

Yes, you can modify or cancel your order within a certain timeframe. Please contact our customer service immediately to make any changes before your order begins processing.

Our products are sourced daily from trusted local farmers and suppliers. We maintain strict quality control measures from storage to delivery to ensure that you receive the freshest products.

Yes, we offer delivery services. The cost may vary depending on your location and the size of your order. Free delivery is available for orders above a certain amount.

Delivery times can vary based on your location and order contents but typically range from same-day to within a few business days.

If there’s any issue with your order, please contact our customer support team immediately. We are committed to resolving any problems quickly and to your satisfaction.

Yes, we have a loyalty program for our regular customers which includes discounts, special offers, and early access to new products. Sign up on our website to join and start earning rewards.

Our customer service team can be reached via email, phone, or live chat. All contact details are available on our ‘Contact Us’ page on the website.

Yes, we have a return policy in place. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within a specified period for a full refund or exchange. Please refer to our Return Policy page for detailed information.

Have Any More Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team.

  • We are always happy to help!
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